The guiding principle behind the formation of CLC was to assemble a national network of highly qualified independent law firms with proven ability to serve the special needs of their clientele. The members of this national organization had to demonstrate flexibility and open-mindedness towards facilitating a meaningful exchange of ideas between clients and lawyers so that as a group, they could provide their clientele with cutting edge, cost-effective and high quality legal services on a regional and national basis never before available in the market place.
Based on these concepts and beliefs, CLC began taking shape in 1994. Potential CLC member firms were identified from reliable sources, including personal contacts, historical relationships, client referrals and regional bar association recommendations.
After extensive due diligence, the founding members carefully identified philosophically compatible, top quality law firms in each jurisdiction across Canada. From these, the best of the best firms were chosen and invited to join CLC. Through this rigorous selection process, CLC provides access to law firms and lawyers that are among the best in Canada.