24/7 Emergency Response
The strategic geographic spread of the affiliated firms of Canadian Litigation Counsel means that CLC’s Emergency Response Team* can provide value added legal services 24/7. One call to 1-877-247-3659 sets the Emergency Response Team in motion providing immediate access to highly trained, experienced professionals able to respond to catastrophic losses anywhere in Canada.
Types of losses include:
- Motor vehicle accidents including long-haul trucking and all-terrain vehicle losses
- Environmental spills/contamination
- Fires and explosions
- Equipment accidents including construction and farm equipment
- Building failures/collapses
- Equipment malfunctions giving rise to claims for business losses/interruption
CLC’s Emergency Response Teams consist of professionals with a particular expertise in handling claims in the practice areas involved in the loss including:
- Lawyers from the affiliated firms of CLC
- Structural, mechanical, electrical and forensic engineers
- Forensic collision reconstructionists with trucking experience where required
- Origin and cause specialists
- Forensic accountants
- Investigators/independent adjusters/loss control specialists and analysis.
Go to the 'At the Scene' page to view all duties the CLC Team will coordinate.
Call 1.877.247.3659
to gain access to CLC’s 24/7 Emergency Response Team.
Our team of dedicated professionals will respond to your needs immediately.
* Please note this 24/7 response time is for emergencies only. Once you place the call you will be speaking to a call attendant who will put you through to the appropriate lawyer. If it is not an emergency, you will be referred to a lawyer who will return your call usually within 1 to 3 business days.